• Body as a container is a concept from my artistic practice about pain and healing.


    The body is considered a container and the skin holds our organs and fluids. The skin is also one of the biggest protective organs.

    The skin is a meeting place where the self connects with the world. 

    The skin must be torn to meet the world. 

    The skin must be touched in order to communicate, heal and exist.

    In the container that holds our soul, what do we want inside?


    - Claudia Benthien: Haut: Literaturgeschichte - Körperbilder - Grenzdiskurse, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag; 2. Auflage Februar 2001 , Hamburg (1999).

    - Jean-Luc Nancy: Corpus, Diaphanes Zürich-Berlin, Neuauflage, Zürich 2014 (Éditions Métailié, Paris)(2000).

  • In in seoul.

    © Photo by Junghye Lee (www.leejunghye.com)